Short poems for kids
Best english poems for students

With dried tears on her face…
She was walking down the alley

Thinking no one cares for her…
No one wants her really.

Once there was a time…
When she had her Prince charmers

It was like a dream for her …
He was her Knight in shining armor

But dreams are dreams…
They never come true

Everything is an illusion…
It’s me or you.

She looks back at her good times…
When everything was like rose.

But she came out of daze…
When thorns dig her toes.

Life was never easy for her…
She fought for every line.

She struggled everyday…
But everything was fine.

Initially she had very much fun…
She enjoyed him stealing her fries.

Finally reality down at her…
When he no more cared for her cries.

She was assaulted everyday…
That she cursed her own life

She laughed at him every moment…
For thinking she would be his wife

Light comes after dark…
Dark comes after light

Tough she never found her happiness…
She remained stuck with her blurry sight

But no one can stop life…
From taking its tole

A monster came and fixed her kite…
Which was having hole

That monster made her forget…
How evil life had been

He swiped her off her feet…
He made her his Queen

– शिवानी पाण्डेय –

English Quotes Motivational – अंग्रेजी कोट्स …